History of Christ the King
Due to the growth of Trinity Lutheran Church at 10th and Crawford Streets in Salina and looking for an opportunity to spread the Gospel in south Salina, the Kansas District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, decided it was time to start a new congregation. In May 1962, the district purchased a block of land located at the corner of Highland and Magnolia. The Kansas District LCMS called Rev. Stanley E. Jones to be the pastor.
The name Christ the King Lutheran Church was selected for the new congregation. The first Sunday school and worship services of Christ the King were held at Hageman Elementary School Sunday, January 6, 1963. There were 69 people present for Sunday School and 115 present for worship.
The first voter's meeting was held April 17, 1963, for all men 18 years and older. The first constitution was adopted, and the first council was elected.
Charter Sunday was held April 21, 1963, at Hageman Elementary. There were 158 baptized members and 84 communicant members that became charter members. Christ the King officially became a member of the family of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod of Kansas August 13, 1963, at the 51st convention of the Kansas District in Wichita, Kansas.
The new church held a ground-breaking ceremony for a permanent sanctuary on June 14, 1964. The dedication for this new church building was January 17, 1965.
In 1965, Schilling Air Force Base near Salina closed. Many members were transferred, leaving the new church in shock, but by the Grace of God it continues today over 60 years later.
Over the next 60 years, many changes took place including several building projects that included adding classrooms, a pastor’s study, and a secretary’s office. A new sanctuary and other needs were completed and dedicated in June 1990. The most recent remodeling project and addition of a large fellowship hall, commercial grade kitchen, and additional classrooms were completed and dedicated in February 2007.
In 1975, a new constitution was adopted giving all communicant members including women over the age of 18 the right vote and hold office in the church.
On November 7, 2021, Christ the King officially installed Samantha Wagner as DCE. This would bring the Called Staff to two positions plus a secretary and accountant.
In April 2023, Christ the King celebrated 60 years of preaching the gospel and ministering to God’s people in Salina. God has blessed Christ the King over the past 60 years, and currently, we have 556 baptized souls and 384 communicant members in our fold.